
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-15
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Abstract:In modern society,human rights are overstated so that the exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence has become an important symbol of the modernization of criminal lawsuit system,especially in the Common Law countries where the construction and operation of criminal lawsuit is mainly dominated by procedure justice,who has formed a complete system of illegal evidence rules and norms.Researchers have paid attention to the issue of illegal evidence rule system in our country.The system is basically shaped and researchers have gain a lot of achievements in this field until now. True,the study results should be valued, but at the same time it should also be recognized that the current research is still exists some defects, including the narrow view of research object and the less variety of research method.The criminal lawsuit theoretical circle in domestic has called on improving the illegal evidence system for a long time, but such appeal is almost impossible to bring essential effects to the legislative authority, which is because the theoretical circle didn't supported themselves with sufficient evidence which is operated under the running political policy and judicial system.Based on the above acknowledgement,the thesis makes a simple study on the expected function and the existing problems on the way to realize the exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence,which hope to make a contribution to realizing the practical effect.

Key words: illegal evidence;exclusionary rule;inquisition by torture;assurance of human rights


上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:因为理论界没有为如何保障非法证据排除规则在我国现行政治和司法体制框架内的运作效果提供充分的理论论证。基于上述认识,本文拟对非法证据排除规则所承载的预期功能及其实现......
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