
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-15
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Abstract:Individual income tax as a common tax in all over the world, it has a history of over two hundred years. It plays a important role in the organization of country income, fair distribution and economic control. Along with our country economic development and adjustment, dweller income level has raised ceaselessly, individual income tax also gradually exposed some problems, it mainly reflected in the tax system mode is backward, the expense deduction system is not reasonable, the tax rate high and the administration level is also backward. The people has pay an attention to the big thing is that how to reform our country's individual income tax system, it will help us to improving the regulation of personal income, alleviate the contradiction of unfair distribution and promote the harmonious development of socialism. In this paper, according to the analysis of the individual income tax theory, tax system pattern, from the scope of Taxation, tax rate and deduction four aspects carries, it also draw lessons from foreign experience, makes some suggestions and policy for China's individual income tax and gradually improve the individual income tax system in china.

Key words: Personal income tax;tax system;reform;fair principle




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:根据个人所得税的基本理论,从税制模式、征税范围、税率结构和费用扣除四个方面进行问题分析,并借鉴国外经验,对我国个人所得税提出相关对策和建议,逐步完善我国个人所得税......
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