
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-17
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Abstract:The fast development of internet technology offers expediency for information communication. Meanwhile, it causes the expanding inundation of internet infringement. It was not uncommon for the BSP become a defendant of the blog tort case in recent years. If the BSP easily become the defendant in the dispute of the blog tort shall bear the responsibility for compensation ,then it will discourage BSP in technology development, and influence Internet development. Therefore, the key of how to balance the development of network technology and rights protection lies in distinguish BSP obligation. This paper begins with the introduction of the value of distinguish BSP obligation ,then reviews the regulation of indirect infringement responsibility in foreign countries and summarizes their lawmaking experience. Based on the current legislation status in our country, this article has put forward some suggestions to  perfect BSP's liability in our country.

Key words: blog tort;Blog Service Provider(BSP);indirect infringement liability




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:分析我国现行立法中关于博客托管者的不足,主要表现为缺乏系统性、制度性的立法和博客托管者的法律地位不明确。通过考察国外关于间接侵权责任的规定,并对国外的立法经验进行......
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