
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-17
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Abstract:The system of defense by attorney is of great importance in criminal procedure .To safeguard the right of defense attorney will be benefit for the advocacy system to fully exercise its rule in criminal procedure,and be meaningful to protect basic human right and fulfill social justice as well.

   The Criminal Procedure Law of PRC in force not only enhances the status and role of attorney,but also further defines the attorney's rights in every litigious stage. However,there are still some problems .The rights of defense attorney granted by law are incomplete. There are many limitations on the rights of defense attorney .Corresponding safeguards are absence when defense attorneys are exercising their rights.

   This paper analyzes a comprehensive and in-depth manner the rights of China's current defense lawyer and the right side to exercise protection mechanism ,Surface defects on the basis of the criminal defense lawyers in the litigation status of a right to practice settings,and Paul Barrier and other aspects of the theoretical research,but also on the lawyer's practice in the personal rights protection and improve the measures mentioned Out a number of reforms and improvement measures.

Key words: defense; counsel right; the right to protection




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:刑事辩护制度是起源于西方而盛行于现代各国的一种先进法律制度,是以人的尊严必须给予平等的尊重和保护为主题的,律师辩护制度是刑事辩护制度的重要组成部分,是构成刑事诉讼......
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