
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-22
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Abstract:Civil execution is the ultimate realization of civil rights and obligations of the parties,the key to resolving civil disputes. However, in our country, civil legal judgments are difficult to implement. The legitimate rights and interests of the parties can not be protected. The problem of execution has become a key issue which affects our court work. Civil enforcement procedure as the last procedure in proceedings,directly determines the realization of the rights of the parties. The parties can not get reasonable relief which the effective instrument are difficult to implement, so that the parties are forced to seek an illegal remedy, which causes damage to the credibility of the legal authority and the state. This paper by summarizing research both here and abroad, analysing the difficultes ,solutions and causes of civil execution, tries to propose some opinions in the hope of solving this problem.

Key words:Civil disputes;Civil enforcement procedure;Appeal Right




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:民事案件执行难已经成为法制进程中的一大难题,造成民事案件执行难的原因有很多,诸如立法不完善、执行权行使的体制不健全、部分法院领导体制和内部管理机制不完善、地方保护......
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