
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-22
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Abstract:Laozi’s legal thought was selected as the legal guiding legacy by rulers at the beginning of Han dynasty under the particular historical circumstance. This thought has a core of following the principle of the Nature and managing things in a simple and easy way.In terms of politics, Laozi’s legal thought claims to simplify the law , relax the degree of penalization and transform people by virtue, while to reduce corvee and taxes and give people peace and security in economics. In this paper, the law of the ideological content of I, I focused on analyzing the legal thinking of the early Han Dynasty legislation affect performance and thus to explore the causes of its influence, and on this basis I legal thinking on the effect of legislation on the early Han Dynasty analysis of the value of in order to better grasp the legal thinking of the early Han Dynasty I legislation.

Key words: laozi;Legal Thought;The early Han Dynasty;Legislative




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:老子法律思想是当时特定历史条件下的产物,它促进了汉初封建法制的建立和西汉经济的恢复、发展及政权的巩固。但是,老子法律思想缺乏与君主专制集权的发展和神化趋势相适应的......
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