
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:大学校花 更新时间:2013-09-30
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Abstract:Children's food, the state and society have been attention. This article through the analysis about children food safety legislation value, and further points out that the food safety legislation about children in our country and the necessity of establishing the importance. And, no matter from state policies, laws and regulations or practice of Angle, in the establishment of China's children's food safety have certain feasibility. But because the children of food safety, concerning the protection system in China in the existing laws and regulations, no clear rules, so in the judicial practice and practice of all does not have uniform standard. In this, drawing on food safety protection in children international experience, to construct a children's food safety put forward concrete Suggestions on it.

Key words: Food safety;children food;the legal standard




上传会员 大学校花 对本文的描述:由于关于保护儿童食品安全的制度在我国现行法律法规中没有明确的规定,所以在司法实践中各地的做法并没有统一的标准。在此,通过借鉴儿童食品安全保护在国际上的经验,对我国......
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