
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:大学校花 更新时间:2013-09-30
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Abstract:Marital property system and says marriage property system, is about the husband and wife before marriage and after marriage, the ownership of the property management, use, seek profits from and dispose of the debt and to satisfy, lift of the liquidation of the marriage when the legal system. This article mainly aims at the defects of our country's legislation, such as the belongings of husband and wife agreed the conditions of the system, public effect, the couple's joint property system of intellectual property rights and interests can look forward to the ownership of the interests and research, and to present defects of the relevant legislation to make analysis and find out the existing problems, to the questions of their opinions and Suggestions, such as the joint property of husband and wife and has accumulated interest problem, I personally think that it should be according to the management of the property of husband and wife is pay of time and energy to produce whether to belong to the provisions of the jointly owned property or personal property, and the view of the couple agreed property system of existing problems of that I think should set up a fair show, the couple agreed system, etc.

Key words:The couple's joint property system;problems;Perfect




上传会员 大学校花 对本文的描述:笔者认为应该根据夫妻在管理该共有财产是所付出的时间和精力来规定该产生是否属于共同财产或个人财产,以及针对夫妻约定财产制所存在的问题笔者认为应该建立起一个公示化的夫......
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