
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:大学校花 更新时间:2013-09-30
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Abstract:China on the death penalty, whether legislative, judicial or enforcement which the attitude is hold tight, wide and gentle, and to further reduce the death penalty provisions, increasing the magnitude of free criminal sentencing. Obviously China's death penalty system has undergone a partial adjustment of <Amendment Ⅷ to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China> some progress, but still far behind the level of the development in the world. There are some problems can not be ignored. In the case of the death penalty and human rights are closely integrated, to further control the application of the death penalty system has become the trend of the times, it is imperative. Therefore, the study of China's death penalty system applicable to a very great theoretical value and practical significance. This paper studies China's death penalty system is the necessity, analysis of China's death penalty system applicable to the major problems in the process of. In addition this paper draws lessons from the foreign advanced experience of death penalty application. To put forward the proposal to improve China's death penalty system applies.

Key words: Reduction of death penalty; The limitation of death penalty; the death penalty review; presumption of innocence; the protection of human rights




上传会员 大学校花 对本文的描述:我国是目前世界上保留死刑制度的国家之一,同时也是死刑罪名最多的国家之一。受我国具体国情、文化传统、民意、司法状况和经济状况等因素的制约,现阶段死刑在我国刑法领域的......
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