
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:大学校花 更新时间:2013-09-30
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Abstract:Employment Injury Insurance is a kind of social security system that country or society provide material help to the wounded, the disable, victims and their families who are the labors suffered from the accident harm or occupational disease caused by long-term exposure to toxic harmful factors during manufacturing and works. Through the employment injury insurance mechanism, workers by occupational injuries can make timely access to medical care, life assurance, financial compensation and vocational rehabilitation, and dispersed the responsibility of the employers on workers' occupational injury risk. So it is not only related to the interests of workers and employers, is also related to people's lives, economic development and social stability.However, under such an unbalanced and nonstandard case in the labor market in China, the current employment injury insurance system is difficult to adapt to Chinese rapid economic development needs. Therefore, this paper is to conduct an objective analysis of the existing problems of Chinese current employment injury insurance system, combined with some of the work injury cases, and compared with and draw foreign employment injury insurance system to propose the countermeasures to improve the employment injury insurance system.

Key words: Inductrial injury insurance;the industrial injury insurance system;work-related injury certification;industrial injury prevention;Inductrial injury rehabilitation




上传会员 大学校花 对本文的描述:本文主要是对我国现行工伤保险制度现存问题进行客观分析,结合一些工伤案例,并通过与国外工伤保险制度的对比与借鉴,提出完善我国工伤保险制度的对策......
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