
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:大学校花 更新时间:2013-09-30
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Abstract:In China, small and medium-sized enterprises with rapid development have been the main force of national economy since reformation and opening, and they are of great significance to promote the development of the national economy, solve obtain employment, increase revenue and social stability. In recent years, the credit guarantee institutions of small and medium enterprise have been developed rapidly, and the guarantee funds have been increased. What’s more, the ability of business has been strengthened, and the service areas have been expanded. Thus, it’s very good to alleviate the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, and promote local economic development. However, the credit guarantee legal system construction of small and medium enterprises is faced with many problems. The reasons are as follow: credit guarantee legal system of small and medium enterprises is not consummated, which causes a huge flaw when small and medium enterprises are in financing, expanding the scope of production and management. The thesis is starting from the necessity to build the credit guarantee legal system construction of small and medium enterprises in China,analysis their inadequacies,learn from the experience of foreign,and put  some advices to consummate the credit guarantee legal system construction of small and medium enterprises in China.

Key Words:small and medium-sized enterprises;credit guarantee;credit legal system;risk control




上传会员 大学校花 对本文的描述:本文从我国中小企业信用担保法律构建的必要性出发,分析我国中小企业信用担保法律构建存在的主要问题,借鉴国外中小企业信用担保法律构建的经验,提出完善我国中小企业信用担......
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