
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-13
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Abstract:With the continuous development of China's socialist market economy, the company has become the most important market players. Shareholders and creditors of the two types of important subjects that affect the development of the company. A balance of interests between the two, especially the protection of the interests of creditors is an important subject of the current Companies Act. Company Law to explain the introduction of three by the restrictions on the rights of shareholders and adjust the internal and external legal relations, attention to the legitimate rights and interests of the creditors of the company, to coordinate the relationship between shareholders and creditors, in order to achieve the protection of the interests of creditors. Explained by analyzing the Companies Act 3 of the lack of protection of the interests of creditors, and to learn from foreign experience relating to the protection of the interests of creditors made ​​a number of specific recommendations on China to improve the interests of the creditors to protect.

Key words:  shareholders; creditors; protect; "Company Law"





上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:公司法解释三的出台通过对股东权利的限制和调整公司内外的法律关系,关注公司债权人的合法权益,协调股东与债权人二者之间的关系,从而实现保护债权人的利益。本文通过分析公......
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