
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-13
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Abstract:Since the 2001 CSRC issued the “About in listed companies to establish the system of independent directors guidance”, the system of independent directors in more than ten years' development in our country, but still has many problems. This paper discusses the system of independent directors perfect company the significance of the management mode.Through the analysis of social problem situation, it’s easy to find that the main cause is the insider control serious and our country enterprise reform lead to "a stream of the only big" phenomenon. In order to change this dilemma, our country in combination with the situations, can proper British and American or Japan the experience of the system of independent directors.     At the same time, this paper gives some suggestions for the independent director's "right, interest, and responsibility", which can improve and reform the system of independent directors .Through cooperation with the supervisors, the independent directors can supervise directors, and ensure the interests of the shareholders.

Key words: independent directors;proper;reform




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:通过分析了当今社会独立董事存在的现实问题状况,发现其主要原因是公司内部人控制严重及我国企业改革上市不完善导致的“一股独大”现象。为了改变这一困局,我国在结合国情的......
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