
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-13
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Abstract:The our country civil procedure law of the people's procuratorate to enjoy civil protest supervision, but the current laws on the procuratorial organs for the provisions of the civil protest too general, some regulations is not quite scientific, lead to practice in protest of the scope of the civil retrial, reason, a protest against a time limit, settlement, the procuratorial organs status have great differences, the impact of the civil retrial system in practice protest function, thus need to regulate civil protest retrial system, regulating the procuratorial organs in the case of position and function, regulate the people's court to the civil retrial protest the hearing of the case. Therefore, the author of the specific situations of China, at the same time, Japan, France, Germany is related to perfect the system of civil protest puts forward the Suggestions for improving the retrial system.

Key words: Civil litigation;Civil protest; Protest time limit ;A protest against a range ;Protest reason




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:因而需要规范民事抗诉再审制度,规范检察机关在案件审理中的地位和职能,规范人民法院对民事抗诉再审案件的审理。因此,笔者通过我国的具体情况,同时比较日本、法国、德国相......
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