
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-13
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Abstract:Extradition,is the Chinese people has been a focus,often accompanied by economic criminals in flight and a large number of state-owned assets loss.However,due to China's extradition system is not perfect,economy faces extradition fugitive pursuit cost,capital recovery difficult,many corrupt officials be still unpunished and other practical problems,greatly hindered the our country in economic legal liability for flight suspects that the smooth development.therefore,the consummation of economic crime flight field of extradition system,by the powers of all countries for China to arrest fugitive,become the actual choice of Chinese government.Therefore,this article from our country to escape economic crime suspect extradition practice sets out,in the light of our country the extradition of the problems that exist in practice,analysis of China's current system of extradition problems,draw lessons from abroad to perfect the legal system,and the actual situation of our country proposed combination,in today's world of our country under the condition of how to perfect the system of extradition,fighting international crime,the crime should be punished,in order to better achieve our country the system of Extradition Law value.

Key words: Extradition system;Economic crime flight;The extradition obstacles;international extradition cooperation




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本文拟从我国外逃经济犯罪嫌疑人引渡实践出发,针对我国引渡实践中存在的问题,剖析我国现行引渡制度所存在的问题,借鉴国外完善法律制度,与我国实际情况相结合,提出在当今......
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