
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-15
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Abstract:Along with the development of information technology, communication and cooperation has become electronic. Social development and at the same time it also brings new problems, crime more and more "get an electric shock" change, how to standardize the behavior of the virtual world, the electronic data arises at the historic moment and become a strong means. For electronic data could be an independent evidence, new criminal procedure law gives clear rules,but our country electronic data for the provision of the respect and even more messy missing. This article mainly from the electronic data and audio-visual material and electronic evidence of comparison, as well as electronic data in the judicial practice of special applications, according to China's electronic data in the stipulation of author perfect proposal, to draw attention of the society, and better protect the legal rights of the people. 

Key words:electronic date; electronic evidence; audio-visual material




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:主要是从电子数据与视听资料及电子证据的比较,以及在司法实践中电子数据的特殊应用,针对我国在电子数据方面规定的不足提出完善的建议,以期引起社会的关注,更好的保护公民......
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