
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-15
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Abstract:At present, China's labor contract deadline is divided into three types: the fixed term labor contract, open-ended employment contract and completion of a certain job labor contract. Long-term since, our country has been executed with fixed term labor contract as the leading labor contract deadline system in 2008, the labor contract law of People's Republic after promulgated, China vigorously carry out the open-ended employment contract. This undoubtedly is China's labor contract deadline system of a great progress. But, the our country "labor contract law and related system of labor contract deadline problem is not complete provisions, and exist lack and defects, such as: labor contract deadline system is not in conformity with the principle of contract law legislation idea; Mode choice from the actual condition of our country; Applicable scope wide; Remove the improper grasp reasonable system; All result in many problems in practice. So the improvement of the system of labor contract deadline has a very important significance. The following me through and France, Germany advanced labor contract deadline system to contrast and the reference, concluded the perfect our country's labor contract deadline system some tips: update of our country labor contract deadline system the legislation idea; Choose to give priority to give consideration to the liquidity of the stability mode; According to different criteria to determine the scope of application of labor contract deadline; In such a system, strictly limited fixed term labor contract termination conditions, relaxing open-ended employment contract fired restrictions.

Key words: labor contract deadline system; Balance labor relations; Laborer; Remove system; Perfect system




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:通过与法国,德国先进的劳动合同期限制度进行对比与借鉴,总结出来了完善我国劳动合同期限制度的几条建议:更新我国劳动合同限期制度立法理念;选择以稳定性为主兼顾流动性的......
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