
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-15
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Abstract:The constitution is a country's basic laws, it set a country's political, economic, cultural and other various basic system. Therefore, how to effectively guarantee the implementation of the constitution for a state can of democratic management, and whether the country according to law by constitution seemed especially rule is particularly important. The system of judicial review is the modern countries under the rule of law governing by constitution realize the important parts of the system. China's current law of the system of review of violating constitution though arguably, but there are many drawbacks: constitutional judicialization process needs to be improved, unconstitutional reviewing specialized agencies are not clear, constitutional review program lack of maneuverability, makes China's lack of effectiveness of unconstitutional ACTS and operability, hard to ensure the effective implementation of the constitution. Therefore, this paper points out that the Chinese first of unconstitutional reviewing system is not perfect place and constructing perfect the system of judicial review of the significance, again through the foreign unconstitutional reviewing system, the comparative studies on foreign constitutional review, the investigation of the model, and analyzes the legislature review mode, judicial organ review mode, specialized agencies review mode, three models of the specific provisions, finally proposes the perfect the system of judicial review in China Suggestions to perfect the system of judicial review of our country.

Keywords: constitutional review; Mode of system; System perfect




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:首先指出中国违宪审查制度的不完善之处和构建完善的违宪审查制度的意义,再通过国外违宪审查制度的比较研究,对国外违宪审查模式的考察,分析立法机关审查模式、司法机关审查......
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