
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:致青春小刘 更新时间:2013-06-17
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   The study on the self-disclosure condition of Yunnan minority students, will help to understand their mental health. In this thesis, self-disclosure surveys was preform on Yunnan minority and Han undergraduate students, which had 6 categories of attitude, interest, study, money, personality, physical, and 10 questions each, aiming 4 kind of objective persons, which is father, mother, male and female friends. The result reveals that there is no difference of self-disclosure between Yunnan minority and Han students. However, there is significant difference of self-disclosure among Yunnan minority students. The self-disclosure level of first-year and juniors students is remarkably higher than that of sophomore and senior students, while the self-disclosure level of girls is higher than that of boys. There is difference of self-disclosure among different categories. Students show their interests in study, attitude and interest more than money, personality and physical. There is difference of self-disclosure among different objective persons, where that for isosexual friends is the highest, and that for heterosexual friends is higher than that for father.

Keywords:Minority college students;Self-disclosure; Research


上传会员 致青春小刘 对本文的描述:本文应用自我表露问卷对部分大一至大四云南少数民族和汉族大学生进行团体测试。该问卷包括六个表露的维度(态度、兴趣、学习、金钱、个性、身体),每个维度由10项目组成,每个......
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