
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:我爱我家 更新时间:2013-07-01
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关键词:XX学院;大学生 ;性心理;性行为



  This research chooses undergraduates of Hong He University in Yun Nan province as samples. Taking questionnaire survey and interview, the present study analyzes and concludes the current situation of the sexual health education of Hong He University’s undergraduates, and has a fuller understanding about the current situation of Chinese sexual education and the sexual knowledge understanding of college students, the way of getting sexual knowledge, the development method of sexual health education and the acceptable educational way to college student. The investigation results provide certain basis to school sexual education, guiding college students to establish a correct sexual concept of, the healthy sexual moral l and healthy life style.

Key words: Hong he University; college students; sex psychology; sex behavior


上传会员 我爱我家 对本文的描述:旨在了解当代中国性教育的现状及当代大学生对性知识的了解情况、性知识来源途径、性健康教育的开展方式和大学生可接受的教育方式。就调查结果提出相关建议,为学校开展性健康......
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