外资零售企业的发展战略选择研究 .doc

资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-12
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Abstract:Since joining the WTO, our country in recent years, increasing the degree of opening of retail industry, the phasing out of the foreign-funded commercial enterprises in the region, the number of enterprises, the proportion of stock ownership and the existing form of constraints. Many foreign retail enterprises to enter the Chinese market, with the passage of time, the scale of development is more and more big, also more and more successful, Chinese retail enterprises are facing great challenges. We should carefully analyze the strategic choice of foreign enterprise advantage, according to its advantage, China's retail industry not only to be aware of the crisis, more need to choose the suitable development strategy, make full use of local advantages, to establish their own market position, a clear strategic direction, in order to promote the development of China's retail industry. In this background, research summary of foreign retail enterprises in recent years in the Chinese retail market business strategy system, provide the basis for China's retail enterprises to develop the corresponding countermeasures, have very important significance.

     This paper intends to Auchan supermarket as an example to analyze the current situation in China, foreign retail enterprises future expansion strategy and direction, it is pointed out that the foreign retail enterprises advantage capital, scale, cost and profitability through these analysis, the disadvantage lies in the localization of experience and the terminal node. On the basis of the retail enterprises of our country should be competitive and competitive location selection, choice of organization, logistics integration and so on to the foreign capital retail enterprise competition. The main research contents are as follows:

Keywords: Foreign retail industry ;challenge ;crunch ;development strategy ;future directions.







上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:外资零售企业在中国的发展战略研究不是新提出来的一个观点,国内国外的学者都对其做过研究,在本文,我着重通过陈述国内外零售企业的现状分析,以及举例分析法国欧尚店在中国......
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