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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-08
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关键词;员工帮助计划 应用现状 人力资源管理


ABSTRACT:Employee assistance program, Earliest origins in the United States of America heart enterprises to solve the enterprise employees because of alcohol should be initiated, with the assistance of the staff constantly expanding the scope, content also unceasingly rich. At present, employee assistance program has become and staff development plan in combination with comprehensive service project, which involved in mental health, stress management, crisis of layoffs, occupation career development. The domestic scholars think, employee assistance program is a set of system designed for employees of the enterprises, long-term welfare and support program. The origin, this paper through the employee assistance program development process, as well as the problems at this stage to understand our employee assistance program development present situation, problems and future prospect of our employee assistance program.

Key Word :Employee assistance program ;Application status ; human resource management



(1) 了解员工帮助计划的起源,发展历程

(2) 员工帮助计划的运营模式

(3) 究我国现阶段员工帮助计划的现状

(4) 提出我国员工帮助计划以后发展的趋势


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:随着对员工的援助范围的不断扩大,内容也不断的丰富。目前,员工帮助计划已经发展成为和员工发展计划等相结合在一起的综合性服务项目,其内容涉及到心理健康、压力管理、裁员......
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