
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-08
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ABSTRACT:With the development of the knowledge economy and the rising of new philosophy of human resource management, enterprises should not only focus on traditional resources such as capital, technology etc while in competition, but also on innovation abilities based on human capital, which is the competition of human resources in the final analysis. However, human resources management has always been a vulnerable segment of private-owned enterprise due to the limitations of themselves. In particular, serious problems exist in employee training, which has gradually been a severe obstacle for the development of private-owned enterprises. But for a long time, employee training has been neglected by enterprises, especially medium and small private-owned ones, because it wouldn’t take effect instantly, which is too slow to be helpful in addressing practical problems. Therefore, it has been a major strategic issue for private-owned enterprises to establish a consummate and effective system of employee training, explore new theories and methodology and improve the effects of the system, as well as put more emphasis on it. 

   In this essay, the main problems existing in employee training management system of private-owned enterprises will be analyzed through a research into the present situation of it. Then solutions will be put forward to tackle these problems by establishing new training system. It is highly expected that this essay can help contribute to the research work of employee training for private-owned enterprises.

Key word:Private enterprises, Employee’s training system, Questions, Countermeasures


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文通过对中小企业员工培训体系现状的研究,分析其中存在的主要问题,然后针对问题提出相应的解决对策,进而构建新的培训体系,以期能为中小企业的员工培训工作提出有益的建......
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