
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-08
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关键词:人力资源管理外包  风险  防范措施


ABSTRACT:Human resource management outsourcing is the business needs to be based on one or several human resources management jobs or functions outsourced by other companies or organizations to be managed to reduce labor costs and maximize efficiency. In the rapid development of human resource management outsourcing today, the advantages of outsourcing human resource management has emerged. Through human resource management outsourcing, companies can integrate internal and external resources, the tedious affairs of human resource management outsourcing services company, retaining a core part of the enterprise's human resources department rise from the service's role as a strategic role, enable enterprises to focus on human resource management to the enterprise's core competitiveness.

   Proved from the enterprise, human resource management outsourcing is to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises as a measure, but outsourcing is not a panacea, it also has side disadvantages, there are risks, and if the use is not good, but not worth the candle business. It is based on this point, this paper describes the theory of human resource management outsourcing HR outsourcing related processes, analyzes the research status and human resource management outsourcing necessity for the existence of human resource management outsourcing domestic legal environment, business environment and internal outsourcing providers and other risks, proposed to play a great importance to law, strengthen communication with employees and businesses, choosing the right outsourcing providers and other countermeasures.

Keywords: Outsourcing; Benefits; Risks


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:分析了国内外研究现状以及人力资源管理外包的必要性,针对人力资源管理外包存在的国内法律环境、中小企业内部环境和外包商等存在的风险,提出了发挥重视法律、加强与员工和企......
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