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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-19
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[摘要] 随着社会主义市场经济的发展,我国的女秘书队伍也在不断的壮大,她们以自身出色的智慧和劳动展示着美好的形象,彰显出她们独特的价值。但是近年来,社会上却出现了一种把女性秘书“妖魔化”的社会现象,就是一些人对女性秘书工作的偏见和误解,这些不和谐的音符,严重损害了女性秘书的职业形象和人格尊严。究竟是怎样的原因导致原本正常且有前途的女性秘书被“妖魔化”?这些对女性秘书的误读又将带来怎样的危害?我们如何去除“妖魔化”的影响,打响维护女性秘书职业形象保卫战?这些都将引发出我们深刻的思考。

[关键词] 女秘书 妖魔化 现象 思考


[Abstract] With the development of socialist market economy, the female secretary team of our county  is constantly expanding, They display a good image of their own superior wisdom and labor, highlights their unique value. But in recent years, the community has appeared in a female secretary to "demonize" the social phenomenon is the number of female secretarial work of prejudice and misunderstanding, these notes of discord, serious damage to the professional image and personality of the female secretary dignity. Exactly what causes the original and promising female secretary was "demonized"? Female secretary of misunderstanding will be brought what harm? How do we remove the "demonized", started to maintain the professional image of the female secretary Battle? These will lead to our deep thinking.

[Key words] female secretary  be "demonize"  phenomenon  thinking

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:广州市一位厂长在选聘秘书时,要求具有知识面广、办事效率高、善于搞公共关系等方面的才能。这位厂长直言不讳:最好是选聘一位女性秘书,因为女性具有男性所不具有的优势。因......
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