
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-19
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[Abstract] Steve Jobs is a highly creative business leaders. He completely changed in a perfect frenzy, and the active pursuit of the six industries: PC,animation, movies, music, mobile phones, tablet PCs and digital publishing. He will be the combination of creativity and technology to create a revolutionary product, he is the driving force behind the iPad, iPhone, iPod and other hot products, upgrade to the world's most influential technology companies and Apple from the brink of bankruptcy, setting off the electronic the frenzy of the times. As a stubborn artist and creator, his management and innovation, bring the value of the modern enterprise deep thinking. Management Jobs and innovation in the development of the enterprise now has a long-term reference.

[Key words]Steve Jobs; management; innovation; value

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:进入高中后,他对数学、科学和电子设备特别感兴趣。有时候他的恶作剧一般都会用到电子设备。期间他还加入了惠普探索者俱乐部。惠普当时是发光二极管行业的先锋。当时惠普正在......
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