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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-07
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摘 要:低碳经济时代已经来临, “低碳经济”、“低碳生活”、“低碳技术”等一系列新概念、新理念应运而生。市场经济条件下消费者的需求也将会发生相对的变化,因此作为商家、作为企业,将如何应对这一改变,推出适应或融入这一趋势的营销策略,将是必须面对的一个重要课题。




ABSTRACT:Low-carbon economy era has arrived. "Low-carbon economy", "low-carbon life ", " low-carbon technologies” and a series of new concepts emerged. Under market economy conditions, consumer demand will change relatively. As a company, a business, how to deal with this change, adapt or integrate into the marketing strategy of this trend will be an important issue that must be faced.

   This article talked about the background of the development of low-carbon economy, environmental pressures reveal the era of low-carbon economy is an inevitable coming, then leads to the development of low-carbon economy, low-carbon marketing sense, at the same time explores the current economy under the conditions of market economy status, China's industrial structure of the existence is unreasonable; marketing model development, human being go through the traditional marketing model towards a low-carbon era of marketing; and consumer behaviors, consumers are gradually accept the concept of low carbon economy, consumer behavior has changed. This article also presents the basic elements of marketing mix of low-carbon marketing, described its characteristics and mode of operation, giving a reasonable and effective marketing mix programs. At last, proposed effective measures to implement low carbon marketing from various angles, like businessmen, government and the community, for a reasonable prospect.

Keywords: Low-carbon economy; Low-carbon marketing; Enterprise.

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:随着低碳经济时代的到来,产业结构、人们的生活方式必将发生巨大的变化,将势必产生新的环境政策,社会责任的内容也将进行更新,这一切都将对企业的生存和发展产生巨大的影响......
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