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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-07
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摘 要:台商来大陆投资早已司空见惯,大陆台资企业以中小企业为主。他们凭借灵活、精明的特点,在全球一体化的环境下开疆辟土。2010年台海两岸共同签署了《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,以下简称“ECFA”), ECFA对两岸经济合作起到积极的推动作用。台湾对大陆投资近年来保持高度增长的态势,大陆也是极具潜力的投资目的地。ECFA 对于台湾企业投资大陆有着积极的影响,台资企业应该抓住机遇,结合自身实际积极进军大陆市场,促进两岸经济的共同发展。然而,在2012年却出现了大陆台资企业倒闭潮。面对工资翻倍跳增、竞争加剧的大环境、出口优惠减少、被大陆本土同业取代等等台资企业将何去何从,本次论文会做进一步分析和研究。

关键词: 台资企业;ECFA;倒闭潮


ABSTRACT:It is quite common for Taiwan businessmen invest in Mainland; most of them are medium-sized and small enterprises. With small but smart natures, Taiwan businessmen are found to have their claws stretched out everywhere in the environment of global integration. Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement would promote the economic cooperation of Mainland and Taiwan. Taiwan’s Foreign Direct Investment increased rapidly with Mainland in recent years. Mainland is a potential invest destination. ECFA provides positive affect to investment in Mainland. Taiwan’s enterprise should grasp the opportunity to invest in Mainland and promote the economic development of Mainland and Taiwan. However, there is a great batch of Taiwan enterprise shutdown in 2012. What should Taiwan enterprises in Mainland do with boom salary, worse environment of competition, less preferential for export, be replaced by Mainland same kind of company? This thesis will go a step further.

Keywords: Taiwan enterprise; ECFA; Waves of shutdown

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:本文目的在于研究2010年颁布的ECFA的主要内容、特点和对在陆台资企业的总体影响,根据目前台资企业现状分析其原因,并帮助在陆台资企业预测未来趋势,提出实质性的建议改善或解决......
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