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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-07
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摘 要:一般情况而言,一个企业的竞争力水平就是这个企业生存与发展之根基,一个企业发展的好不好,就看这个企业的竞争力水平高不高。然而近几年来,受到经济快速发展的影响,国内外市场的竞争日趋激烈,国内企业的竞争力逐渐变弱,尤其是民营企业的竞争力普遍下降,竞争劣势十分明显。就目前而言,我国民营企业的竞争力得不到明显提升的原因有很多,我国民营企业若想取得长远的发展就应该重视这个问题,分析原因并针对这些原因寻求解决的办法。而本文正是根据我国民营企业的竞争力现实情况,分析了制约我国民营企业竞争力发展的原因,并针对这些原因,试着提出了一些能使我国民营的企业竞争力得到提升的对策,希望能为我国民营企业的竞争力提升提供一些参考。



ABSTRACT:Generally speaking, enterprise survival and development is the basis of the competitiveness of the enterprise level. The development of the enterprise depends on the enterprise's competitiveness level is high or not high.  In recent years, however, with the development of economy, the increasingly fierce competition in the market at home and abroad, the competitiveness of domestic enterprises gradually become weak, especially the competitiveness of private enterprises has generally been declining. For now, because of many reasons, our country private enterprise's competitiveness is not obvious ascension. If the private enterprises want to obtain long-term development of our country should attach importance to this problem, we should analysis the reason and aimed at these reasons to seek a solution. This paper expounds the weak competitiveness of China's private enterprises, and analyzes the reasons. Aimed at these reasons, and puts forward some specific countermeasures to improve the competitiveness of private enterprises. Hope to provide some references making our country private enterprises become more competitive.

Keywords: private enterprise; competence; promoting measure

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:怎样解决提升民营企业竞争力所面临的问题,切实提升民营企业的竞争力,保持民营经济良好的发展态势就变成了一个非常值得探究的问题。基于这种现状,我决定对如何提升民营企业......
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