
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-12
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关键词:市场营销 广告 消费者心理 心理暗示


ABSTRACT:Advertising is one of the important means of product sales, and Research on consumer psychological hint have effect and great effect on product sales and advertising. 1 contribute to the enterprise production and management activities, improve market competitiveness. 2 helps to open up the international market, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and products. 3 helps to improve consumer own quality, scientific and civilized consumption.  Advertising in the role of market promotion and  maintenance of the market on the different. If this is a new product launch the first advertisement, are often the first advertising can make the products leave the most primitive image, this is a subconscious later how good or how bad advertising can't change. If must be listed products to change the image of the advertisement, there have all kinds of connections with contact with the product belongs to the consumer groups. Because of the consumer psychology plays a very important role in making a successful advertising, advertising for the product sales and have very significant impact, this article on how to grasp the relationship between the three, and to make research.

Key words: marketing; advertising ;Consumer psychology ;psychological hint

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:广告是现在常用的一种销售促进的方式,广告的成功往往与产品销售状况有着直接的联系。广告在市场推广和市场维护上的作用各有不同。如果是新产品上市的首发广告,往往第一个广......
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