
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-12
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摘要:生态农庄是新型的艺术农业,它是一种以护然生态环境为基础,以开发田园旅游资源为重点的农业,它集生态效益、社会效益、经济效益和文化效益于一体,是一种高层次的农业;生态农庄是遵循循环经济规律,以市场为导向,高新科技为支撑,持续发展为目标,经济效益为中心,实行生产集约化、布局区域化、经营规模管理企业化的现代农业企业;生态农庄是根据生态学、生态经济学和系统科学等原理, 在不同组成要素之间建立起来的集居住、生产、消费为一体,具有可以进行副产物和废物的交换,能量的梯级利用,共享基础设施,并有完善的与外界进行流(物流、资金流、信息流)交换通道的区域统一体。


关键词:生态农庄  品牌营销


ABSTRACT:Ecological farm is a kind of to protect the natural ecological environment as the basis, the new art of agriculture to the development of rural tourism resources as the focus, it sets the ecological benefits, social benefits, economic benefits and cultural benefits in one, is a high level of agriculture; ecological farm is to follow the cycle of economic law, market-oriented, science and technology as the support, the goal of sustainable development, economic benefits as the center, the implementation of modern agricultural enterprise production intensification, layout regionalization, scale of enterprise management; ecological farm is based on ecology, ecological economics and system science theory, established between different components of the living collection, production, consumption as a whole, have the exchange can be by-products and waste, energy cascade utilization, shared infrastructure, and improve the external flow (logistics, capital flow, information flow) regional unified exchange channel.

   Chongqing city ecological farm many, but the high visibility of the countryside is very rare, the formation of brand of the rural is scanty, so in the ecological farm brand construction still has a long way to go.

Keywords:Ecological farm  Brand marketing

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:半夏农庄原本没有名字,是一个单纯的农家乐,位于重庆市万州区分水镇大屋村,招牌就是摘葡萄、采枇杷、烤全羊,是一家还未在工商局注册的农家乐。本文以半夏农庄为研究对象,......
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