
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-12
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关键词:市场营销  营销渠道  化妆品  渠道冲突  销售管理


ABSTRACT:In recent years, with the development of China's economy, the cosmetics market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. International brands occupy a dominant market position in China, while the domestic cosmetics have to follow or innovative channel way to gain some market share. Because the traditional marketing 4P strategy in product, price, promotion strategy, it is quite common for every kind of have already, appeal to consumers declined significantly. At this time, 4P is most likely to be the channel strategy has become a magic weapon for enterprises to compete for market share.

   However, in the face of increasingly fierce market competition, the channel of the problems have been exposed. The conflict between the enterprise and the middleman intensifies, distributors between malignant price competition and out-zone sale problem more serious. Information communication enterprises and consumers because of complicated channel becomes more difficult. This will seriously affect the economic benefits and competitive marketing channel. Therefore, has a certain practical significance of channel conflict and management of cosmetics.

   By analyzing the situation of China cosmetic industry, marketing situation and existing typical channel, discover the factors to choose marketing cosmetics channels, to find the existing problems in the cosmetics channels, harm, manifestations and causes of channel conflict. Finally put forward the countermeasures to solve the cosmetics of channel conflict, provide useful advice for the healthy development of China's cosmetics industry.

Keywords: Marketing  Marketing channel  Cosmetics  Channel conflict marketing management

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:4P策略中的渠道策略日益受到人们青睐,“得渠道者得天下”从来都是企业奉行的准则。营销渠道能够降低商品所有权转移的复杂程度。通过中间商的有效协作解决商品数量和分类上的差......
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