
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:保险 电子商务 保险电子商务 创新


Abstract: With the rapid development of China's economy, the gradual improvement of the residents' awareness of insurance and the international market constantly open up, our country insurance market environment for the development of improved markedly. Especially the establishment of the Shanghai free trade zone, makes our country financial enterprise to obtain the new development opportunity. And as one of the three major financial pillar industry, insurance in our country have a wider platform. At the same time, with the development of Internet technology, electronic commerce as a new business model is widely used in all walks of life and the rapid development in our country, its tentacles also has extended to social fields, the insurance industry as the backbone of the social life also gradually in new areas and new technology innovation. E-commerce application in the insurance industry to reduce the cost, increases the chances of insurance, improve the efficiency of the claims. The change of the global economic environment also makes our country's insurance industry is facing a lot of opportunities and great challenges.  

Key words: Insurance e-commerce e-commerce innovation 

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:中国人寿的e通道和其他在线系统就曾主要销售了重大意外伤害险、境外意外险、航空意外险等多款广受欢迎的热门便捷保险产品。而用户可以在线的方式对每一个保险产品进行咨询,网......
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