
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:巨灾 公共财政 防灾防损 风险管理


Abstract: This paper from China's natural disasters, insurance institutions almost does not exist on the catastrophe compensation, current situation of lack of catastrophe insurance.And in Wenchuan, Yushu earthquake, the south snow disaster, flood disaster,the national related policy as the breakthrough point. To solve the catastrophe risk and response analysis,from the perspective of public finance, public and private cooperation theory to analyze, explore both sides can reach consensus views on the proposal.AND put forward catastrophe insurance in the feasibility and the idea of our country. The catastrophe risk management to do the analysis, from security and loss prevention as the key point, combined with international experience, analysis of catastrophe insurance management model,puts forward the key successful operation of enforcement, the government clearly,loss prevention etc.. Finally, the total analysis of present situation and problems of catastrophe insurance in china.

Key words: Catastrophe risk  management of public  loss prevention  risk management

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:个人认为,期限定于20年为宜,一方面是对投保人心里的预期二十年发生巨灾概率确实存在,另一方面对保险公司的营运要求也不算高,不过开始阶段保险公司的费率拟定还需好好考量......
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