
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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摘  要:当前,国内汽车市场日益发展,汽车企业在行业内的竞争也越来越激烈。采购部门是企业采购成本中比重最大的部门。在汽车制造企业的整车成本构成中,零部件采购成本占70%左右。降低采购成本对企业的利润增长有明显的效果。



关键词:采购 采购成本 成本控制 战略采购


ABSTRACT:At present, the development domestic automobile market, car companies in the industry competition is becoming more and more fierce. Purchasing department is the enterprise purchase cost, the largest proportion in the department. In the automobile manufacturing enterprise's whole vehicle cost, spare parts purchase cost accounts for about 70%. Lower procurement costs to the enterprise profit growth has the obvious effect.

   This topic to manufacturing enterprises as an example, first introduced the procurement cost control related theory, the strategies and methods, then in M company, for example introduces the raw material purchasing cost control status quo of the enterprise, then aiming at the problems enterprises put forward the suitable for enterprise of raw material procurement cost control strategy. Through this topic research enterprise raw material purchasing cost control strategies has important practical significance.

   This paper introduced the concept of project management, as the enterprise procurement is an important project in the business. Reasonable use of reasonable choice supplier, procurement methods, can maximum limit reduce enterprise cost of raw material procurement, strive for more profit space for the enterprise.

Key words:purchase;Procurement costs;The cost control;Strategic purchasing

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:与过去不同,以往国外的汽车市场主要是比较品牌、质量、成本、技术。以往是主打前三者。但由于当今的环境下产品越来越“同质化”,那么国内的汽车市场就主要是拼成本了。谁控......
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