
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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ABSTRACT:The main points in taobao.com logistics distribution mode for distribution ,The third party logistics ,Logistics Alliance ,Logistics is the final sales activities and to achieve customer satisfaction is the last step. From the customer evaluation Taobao is not difficult to see , Whether it is nearer or farther region, The retailer's delivery speed can not meet the vast consumer demand. If the delivery efficiency, Then the shipping cost is retailers need to consider the problem, So it is important to choose a reasonable distribution plan.

      In this paper, through investigation on taobao.com questionnaire, The consideration of consumers and retailers in logistics distribution factors. The establishment of fuzzy estimation model, According to the enterprise benefit maximum principle, choose the distribution scheme maximizes the expected profit..

Keyword: Distribution mode ;The self-run Logistics ;The third party logistics; Logistics Alliance

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:近年来,淘宝网的不断的壮大和发展,日均交易订单已有600多万件。但是消费者对于服务需求的质量也越来越高,随之而来的物流成本也在逐渐增。在保证服务质量的情况下,如何节约......
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