
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:孜孜不倦 更新时间:2013-06-26
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   Since the international financial crisis was outbreaked in 2008 years, China implemented the easy monetary policy and the positive fiscal policy, along with the economic growth of the local government investment and financing platform back further prosperity and development. The effective investment and financing platforms are conducive to public infrastructure construction, the local government should exploit the market mechanism and mobilize the enthusiasm of all aspects. The risk of investment and financing platform is increasing prominent along with the central starting to tighten platform loans, the risk can not be ignored, which will bring harmful impact on the safety and continuity of local economy operation, also worth the local governments in different rank should pay attention to this problem.

   This paper discusses the topic of the risk of investment and financing platform of local government in Yunnan. Yunnan province local government investment and financing platform basic situation understood, systematically analyzed the present procedural risk investment and financing platform, debt risk, financial risk,  commercial bank credit risk, investment and financing platform decision-making mechanism, and other aspects of the risks, and based on this further analyzed the cause of local government risk investment and financing platform in Yunnan province the reason and pathways. And according to the risk of Yunnan local government investment and financing platform from establish the local government investment and financing platform risk early-warning system, the standard  management system of local government investment and financing platform, correct evaluation of local government investment and financing platform risk, improve corporate governance structure, strengthening the legal system construction and dissolve the bank credit risk angle put forward suggestion to guard against and dissolve the local government financing platform risk policy suggestions. 

Keywords: Investment and Financing Platform of Local Government; Risk; Countermeasures


上传会员 孜孜不倦 对本文的描述:本文以云南省地方政府投融资平台风险问题作为研究对象。在对云南省地方政府投融资平台基本情况了解的情况下,系统地分析了存在的投融资平台程序性风险、债务风险、财政风险、......
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