
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-08-01
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Abstract:With the rapid development of social economy, people's living standards continue to improve, and the catering industry play a very important role in the development of social economy and people's daily life. At this stage, China's catering industry is ushering in a period of rapidly development, market potential is huge, and the prospects are very bright. However, the high mobility of employees has become an inevitable trend by the development of the catering industey. The operators of catering industry do not care about this phenomenon, they should actively look for the effective measures to solve this problem. First, this paper analyzes the current situation of the employee turnover in catering industry. Second, it expounds the influnence of the employee turnover from the positive and negative aspects. Then, this paper analyzes the reasons for the employee turnover in catering industry in the development of catering industry, the particularity of work and employees, enterprises management and so on. At last, put forward the relevant countermeasures form the perspective of human resource management.

Key words: Catering industry;Employee turnover;Countermeasure


上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:对我国餐饮行业员工流动问题的现状进行了分析。其次,从积极与消极两个方面对员工流动所产生的影响进行了阐述。接着,从餐饮行业发展、工作特殊性、员工特殊性及餐饮企业的管......
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