
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-08-01
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Abstract:Recruitment is the major way to enterprise the best, sufficient human resources, how to be more efficient and more accurate to recruit and select the excellent talents is extremely important for any enterprise organization. But now, a lot of enterprise still use only one recruitment method for the unified position, , cause the matching degree is poor, staff is not competent for the job, cause the personnel waste , company waste of resources and other adverse consequences. Along with the development of the times and the economic situation, the company should design corresponding recruitment and selection methods with the post’s requirements and the special characteristics for different post, in order to improve the success rate of recruitment. In this paper, I first analysis the error which the contemporary enterprise recruitment easy to fall into and the reasons.Pointed out that the main reason of recruitment problems is enterprises do not put post characteristic as the basis in the recruitment, corresponding to the recruitment management.Last, basis for combined with the recruitment methods and the post features, design the corresponding recruitment methods for Soaring Golden Eagle’s four post. They are: the financial accounting--written examination + structured interview + paper pen integrity test; Graphic designer--professional magazine, web network + video interview recruitment + work sample test method; Market director--internal recruitment + management ability test + the method of evaluation center; Sales personnel--no leadership group discussion + act descriptions interview method + personality assessment. 

Keywords:Recruitment management; Post features; Recruitment channel; Evaluation method


上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:指出招聘容易出现问题的主要原因是企业在招聘中没有以岗位特色为依据,进行相对应的招聘管理。其次提出了相应的对策与建议。最后基于岗位特色为金鹰国际集团的4个典型岗位设计......
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