
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-08-01
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Abstract:With the establishment of modern enterprise system, humanized management of enterprise is becoming more and more outstanding and people pay more attention to manpower resource management .The salary design of human resources management is the most important and most difficult module to complete, a fair and reasonable salary system can not only increase the business to employee attraction, but also can increase the core competitiveness of enterprises. This article mainly discusses the salary design problems from the view of the equity theory.According to Adams fair theory, analysis of enterprise salary design fair need to consider problem from the external equity, internal equity and individual fair these three aspects. From these three aspects, can fully considering the influence of the fair pay design all aspects of the factors, which makes the compensation design to achieve a relatively fair, also makes employees feel relative justice. Pay equity, in order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, in order to retain excellent employees, to enhance the efficiency of the staff, to promote the continuous development of enterprises, avoid salary becoming the enterprise development on the road barriers.

Key words: The justice theory;Compensation design;Human resource management


上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:主要从公平理论的角度出发研究薪酬设计的问题。根据亚当斯的公平理论,分析出企业的薪酬设计公平问题要从外部公平、内部公平和个人公平这三个方面进行考虑。......
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