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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-08-01
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Abstract:Private enterprise has become an important component of private economy. In the development of private enterprises, problems in the departments and staff causes execution of the enterprise not effectively improved. The employees' quality of work without clear objectives, poor work attitude,low efficiency; and there was no outstanding leadership in the sector, there would be no elite teams of the department, as well as an effective incentive mechanism, this is an important factor limiting private enterprise implementation.So, many private enterprises start emphasizes performance management system reform in the development. Private enterprise study on private enterprise through the performance management system, private enterprise had paid attention to strategic goals of developing, decomposition of strategic objectives, performance monitoring and evaluation, application of performance assessment results. Improving private enterprise performance management system to improve executive force of private enterprise. Private enterprise employees have a good attitude and sense, increase employee productivity; sector can build excellent teams and establish effective incentive mechanism, improving sector performance. Through the study of performance management system. Not only private enterprises have an effective performance management system,but also Improved employee and department of executive power. Improve executive force of private enterprise.

Key words: Private enterprise;Executive power;Performance management system;Performance appraisal


上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:许多民营企业在发展中早已开始强调绩效管理体系的改革,民营企业通过对绩效管理体系的研究,注重民营企业战略目标的制定,战略目标的分解,绩效的监督和评价,绩效考核结果的......
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