
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-04
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关键词:亲情 商业广告 运用


Abstract:Kindred resonance is not only ideal for advertising in the emotional demands, as well as for advertising to win the best choice for consumers. Today, the family using more and more common in commercial advertising, more and more enterprises tend to use family pursuit of ways to promote your product or brand. For consumers to create a family "a warm, harmonious" atmosphere, with expressions of affection among family members and reveals to consumers caused by strong feelings of empathy, emotional distance and consumers closer together. Even so, the family in the application of commercial advertising is not perfect in the absolute sense, without any flaws. There is also a whole range of issues. Over family, ignoring promotions; family delivery and product promotion seriously out; beyond the scope of audience's psychology to bear, the audience is difficult to accept. Through this article on the current ads in the affection of defects and problems in the application of the deep analysis, and 3 recommendations for improvement against the problems arising. Family complementary to delivery and product promotion; expression of affection and seamless integration of products and services; carefully try to figure out the psychology. Making breaks and more natural expression of affection in advertising, proper. Also make the family more ease of use in advertising and eventually obtained a multiplier effect.

Key words: The family  commercial advertising  use


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:通过对目前商业广告中亲情的运用所存在的缺陷和问题的深刻剖析,并针对所出现的问题提出3方面改进建议。即亲情传递与产品宣传相辅相成;亲情表达与产品紧密结合,为产品服务;......
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