
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-28
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Abstract:This paper will conduct an analysis on the history and status quo of house funding system of Deqing County with collected data, summarize the existing problems of current house funding system in functions and administrative mechanism, including funds devaluation, low coverage rate, lack of fairness, ineffective supervision, financial crisis, etc, and discuss the causes of these problems. Accordingly, by getting referential experiences of mandatory housing reserved fund system practiced in Singapore and Brazil, some effective improvement measures or reformation direction will be put forward, such as expanding the coverage of housing fund, optimizing mechanism, widening the investment channel, establishing interregional regulatory mechanism on remaining balance, setting up scientific deposit mechanism and leading credit policies to meet the demand of lower-income families, etc.

Key words: Housing Fund; Existing Problems; Countermeasure Study




上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:提出有效的改进措施或者改革方向,包括扩大公积金覆盖面、机构优化、放宽投资渠道、建立跨地区余额调节机制、设立科学的缴存机制、个贷政策向低收入家庭倾斜等。......
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