
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-12
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Abstract:In this paper, the theories of the theme park, tourist theme park in Guangzhou City, summed up the course of the development of tourist theme park in Guangzhou City, analyzes the existence of theme parks in the development of the tourist theme park in Guangzhou City, boutique, brandnot prominent; own tourism resources and geographical advantages of the use of inadequate; theme park image positioning and urban image is not relative to consistent and other problems, and carry out the theme park image planning and the theme of the continuous innovation; Lingnan characteristics-building theme parks, landscape design regressionauthenticity; source markets of the city and the nearby Pearl River Delta "; improve tourism service facilities; to strengthen the government's macro-control, etc.-pronged approach to the development of countermeasures and suggestions. Mayor of Guangzhou, Lung joy in the world and to the evidence, summary overview of its development, problems, and put forward relevant proposals.

Key Words: Guangzhou,theme park,Chimelong




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:主题公园要得到更好的发展,就要在主题设计上更为慎重,而不应该盲目跟风,从广州地域特点出发,从城市形象出发,加强广州市内主题公园的合作,全力打造具有影响力的主题公园......
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