
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-12
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Abstract:Industrial heritage tourism in western countries development is relatively mature, but in China, due to the industrialization started relatively late, so the industrial heritage tourism is still relatively new tourism mode, theoretical research and practical case are not many. This article through analyzes the domestic and foreign industrial heritage tourism development present situation, in the Ruhr Industrial Region of Germany and Beijing 798 Art Zone as a case, from the two park development of industrial heritage tourism has made great effect to proceed, analysis of two large industrial heritage tourism development mode, intended to put forward two major Park related to the industrial heritage tourism successful development model for the Guangzhou TIT creative park development pattern and the construction of reference and inspiration, and combined with the current Guangzhou TIT creative park for the development of industrial heritage tourism has practical advantages, the construction of Guangzhou TIT creative park tourism development pattern, as the Guangzhou TIT Creative Park Tourism Development put forward suggestions.

Key Words:Guangzhou TIT creative park;Development mode;Industrial heritage tourism


上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:分析两大园区工业遗产旅游的开发模式,意在提出两大园区有关工业遗产旅游的成功开发模式对于广州TIT创意园开发模式构建的借鉴和启示作用,并结合现时广州TIT创意园对于发展工业......
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