
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-12
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Abstract:In experience economy era today, tourism due to the people of a higher quality of life needs, to become the world 's most dynamic and potential of emerging industries.While the emphasis has been put on tourism,the brand process of tourism has also caught the attention of many sections in the new century.Meanwhile,the whole country put forward a lot of activities to push the development of regional economy and culture.These festive activities in the promotion of destination image,transmission of regional culture,shaping the regional tourism brand,to promote foreign economic and trade cooperation,promote economic development has an important role in.The festival activities as the main line,through the analysis of large festivals and tourism brand relationship,With China's current tourism brand on the analysis of some problems,Guangzhou July 7th Qiqiao Festival empirical analysis as an example,To explore how to city tourism resources for effective integration,create new,unique tourism brand,thus stimulates the tourist potential tourism motivation,realize the promotion of tourism economic growth target.

Key Words:Festival activities;Tourism brand;Brand building;Qiqiao Cultural Festival




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:通过分析大型节庆活动与旅游品牌的关系,结合我国目前对旅游品牌塑造方面存在问题的分析,以广州七夕乞巧文化节实证分析为例,探讨如何将城市旅游资源进行有效的整合,塑造新......
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