
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-12
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Abstract:The spa tourism is a form of tourism to adapt to people's leisure and health cultural needs.With the hot spring, beauty skin care functions such as development, hot spring has already come into people's life, become the preferred entertainment. Most of the scenic spots, resorts and hotels are played spa brand, and start the formation of an industrial, loved by the people, to a great extent promoted the development of tourism.

    With the rich resources of hot spring deposits and huge potential of tourist market.and adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao is easy to attract capital and other advantages.Currently Guangdong Province  the hot spring tourism in industrial development has entered the forefront of the country.

   This article will be under construction in China's largest ocean hot spring resort area-------Ocean Spring Resort ocean spring resort as the analysis object, From the resort to the efficient use of resources, sustainable development and the prospects for development, the respect proceed with such as the sources of competitive advantage.Combination of hot spring resort in the planning, development, operation process of the emergence of some practical problems,Analysis of CTS ( Zhuhai) the development current situation, existing problems and reasons, and puts forward the Countermeasures of solving problems, explore the development prospect of hot spring tourism.

Key words: Hot spring ; development ; development prospect


上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:本文将以目前在建的中国最大的海洋温泉度假区——海泉湾度假区为分析对象,从温泉度假村的资源的有效利用、可持续发展以及发展前景、竞争优势来源等方面入手,结合温泉度假区......
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