
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-22
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关键词: 酒店,服务质量,人才,管理


Abstract:In this paper, the study of hotel human resources management and the literature of the two-factor theory as a starting point. Through the analysis of the personnel characteristics, personal pros and cons, hotel pros and cons, the influence Hotels brain drain factors, as well as the measure of the demand for qualified personnel in the hotel and hotel management, combined with analysis of the China Hotel talent management problems, explore the reasons for the loss of hotel personnel and Countermeasures, thereby reducing the quality of hotel services controllability. With the continued development and growth of China's market economy, especially the rapid development of tertiary industry, and tourism is an indispensable part of the tertiary industry. One can imagine that the hotel industry, competition is increasingly fierce.Therefore, how to effectively control the loss of the hotel personnel, to retain the hotel personnel. Each hotel development and the success of one of the key elements should take it seriously and take effective measures.

Key Words:Hotel, Quality of Service,Management, Personnel,Countermeasures





上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:现代酒店都有这样的意识:“没有满意的员工就没有满意的顾客”、“有了一流素质的服务人员,酒店才会有一流的服务和文化”。因此,如何有效控制酒店人才的流失、留住酒店人才......
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