
资料分类:工程技术 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-02
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关键词:施工现场  监管现状  安全事故  对策研究


ABSTRACT:In recent years, China's construction industry with the leadership attaches great importance to the whole community is concerned, regulators continue to strengthen the security situation gradually improved the situation presented, the national system to strengthen the building construction safety regulations and technical standards system, every year to carry out special remediation activities, and achieved certain results, construction work safety, hygiene and civilized construction conditions have been significantly improved. However, China construction site safety situation remains grim, serious accidents occur frequently, showing on construction site safety supervision Situation and Countermeasures of urgency.

   This topic will be Qijiang District construction site for the study, focused on the construction site Qijiang district safety supervision and Countermeasures in two main issues. Construction accidents caused by the direct cause of three major categories: First, the construction site personnel unsafe behavior, the second is the construction site of material insecurity, three construction process is the adverse environmental effects. This will be three categories of accidents and related laws and regulations as the basis to the site through research, combined with real life, propose targeted countermeasures.

Keywords:Construction site;Regulatory Status; Security incidents;Countermeasures





上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:课题设计时要遵循相关的依据,建筑工程行业施工现场安全监管法律法规和安全技术规范。通过綦江区建筑施工现场了解项目的平面布局、立面高度,现场实地勘察了解工程环境条件和......
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