
资料分类:工程技术 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-02
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摘要:此毕业设计是根据重庆医科大学新校区院系楼A栋工程Ⅱ标段招标文件的招标须知、合同条件、技术规范、图纸及其他有关文件而编制的投标书。 设计包括商务标、技术标和结论。



关键词:标书 商务标 技术标 施工进度 施工方案


ABSTRACT:Graduating the design is a tender which according to the Chongqing Science and Technology University community allocation floor project tender document bid notice, the condition of contract, the technology standard, the blueprint and other related documents establishes. Design includes Business Standard, technical standard and conclusions. 

   Business Standard, including the basis for the preparation, scope, works in terms of process and that the project cost analysis to identify and quantity; engineering calculation in accordance with the rules, "Application of Chongqing, the construction of fixed" rules of calculation, the project cost is the application of the application of fixed sets of prices.     

  Technology standard in engineering survey and construction characteristics, main parts part construction method, pre-sale after sale services, site layout, various management measures, construction organization and construction schedule plan, main equipment, construction and installation coordination.

Keywords: bid documents; commercial bid documents; technical bid documents; construction progress; construction scheme


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:商务标包括:预算书封面、编制依据、范围、工程取费表、建设工程预算表、三材汇总表、工料价差调整表、工程量计算过程及说明、工程造价的确定和工料分析工程量计算规则按照《......
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